
Only 25 Days Left of Summer Vacation

August 2, 2007

Just a little reminder to myself that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And what a glorious light it is!! While I’m blogging to myself, here’s my to-do list of things that I want to accomplish while I have all day, every day, to myself:

  1. Read novels.
  2. Read the Bible.
  3. Paint my kitchen cabinets so they are no longer the color of split pea soup.
  4. Paint the two remaining areas of our house that are dark hunter green.
  5. Scrapbook.
  6. List a lot of stuff on eBay so that I no longer have a backlog of inventory.
  7. Have phone conversations in which I do not have to say as an aside, “Excuse me, but I am on the phone. Can it wait?!?!”
  8. Nap (when needed).
  9. Work part time… maybe. I think I’d really prefer to just turn up my eBay selling a few notches.
  10. Go on photography expeditions (short trips afield to take pictures which would bore the kids to death if they were with me).
  11. Read my daggone camera manual so I can figure out how to use the thing properly.
  12. Keep the house tidy.


  1. It’s bittersweet, isn’t it? It can be lonely when you’re home by yourself, but you can get SO MUCH DONE in seven hours!

  2. Our schools go back on August 13!

  3. Hmmm… that’s almost my list!

    I’m so looking forward not to fall over feet, bump against legs, move on the stairs without someone else, and not to see another face close to me when I turn.

    You’ve got a nice collection at ebay.

    Have a great sunday!

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